Tuesday, May 5, 2015

What I have learned about the Holocaust

I am very interested in the Holocaust. People often ask me how can you enjoy reading and learning about it? It's so dark and evil. Honestly its not because I enjoy reading it, really. It's not because I choose to read it for light reading. It's more then that.  I've been reading everything, and watching anything to do with the Holocaust since I was in my early teens.  I first started with Number the Stars in school...Then it just went on from there.

The more I read, the more I watch, and even meet former Holocaust survivors the more I realize how much more there is then evil in the Holocaust.  Yes, that is a huge part of it, but there is more to it.  There is a lesson in forgiveness, sticking by your family when push comes to shove.  I have met a two Holocaust survivors. They fought to live and in the end they won.   Eva Kor who is the owner of CANDLES in Indiana has chose to forgive those that did wrong to her in the Holocaust. It's not because she will ever forget what they did to her and her family but she did it FOR HER! She will never forget what happened to her, the tattoo on her arm serves as a reminder but she chooses to live in PEACE for her.  That is incredible for me because so many people get the wrong idea of forgiveness and tend to hold a grudge for small things. If someone who went through horrors we can't even imagine can forgive those who did it to her, why can't we forgive the smaller things? Yes, it may not be small to each person but in the end is it worth living in all that misery??? She lost her family, and in the end her sister passed away.  Yet, she chooses to forgive BUT NOT forget. That is important. Shes not saying that all is well, and nobody should be brought to justice.  I think the biggest part is she did it for herself so that they could not torture her anymore. She needed to take a step to live her life, and ENJOY her life.

"At Auschwitz dying was so easy. Surviving was a full time job.” -Eva Kor

The Holocaust serves as a reminder of what evil humans can do BUT it also serves as a reminder how strong family bonds are. Parents choosing to get killed so their kids will not be put to death...sticking by family no matter what. Forgiving but not forgetting.

“forgiveness is not so much for the perpetrator, but for the victim.” -Eva Kor

Do I believe its easy? No I don't...I have my own forgiveness issues but people like Eva Kor inspire me. If she can do it then I can.
